
TheSimpsons.S10E2:TheWizardofEvergreenTerrace.Views:1763.Authoritiessaythephonypope...canberecognizedbyhishigh-topsneakersandincredibly ...,...PopeJohnPaulII8daysearlier.OnaClearDayICan'tSeeMySister.TheSimpsonsepisode...ThemanagercreatesafakeMexicanIDcardforhim,in ...,TheWizardofEvergreenTerrace.Season10/Episode2(21:09).ViewEpisode.AUTHORITIESSAYTHEPHONYPOPE.CANBERECOGNIZEDBYHISHIGH-TOPSNEAKER...

The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace

The Simpsons. S10E2: The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace. Views: 1763. Authorities say the phony pope... can be recognized by his high-top sneakers and incredibly ...

On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister

... Pope John Paul II 8 days earlier. On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister. The Simpsons episode ... The manager creates a fake Mexican ID card for him, in ...


The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace. Season 10 / Episode 2 (21:09). View Episode. AUTHORITIES SAY THE PHONY POPE. CAN BE RECOGNIZED BY HIS HIGH-TOP SNEAKERS.

"Police say the fake Pope can be identified by his high top ...

2012年7月6日 — Police say the fake Pope can be identified by his high top sneakers... and incredibly foul mouth. - Kent Brockman.

The Simpsons

2013年3月13日 — The fake Pope can be recognized by his high top sneakers and extremely foul mouth. #Pope.

"Authorities say the phony pope can be recognized by his ...

2022年1月17日 — This is one of my favourite Simpsons quotes. The ... The funny thing is irl there was a fake papacy in the Catholic church's history.

Authorities say the phony Pope can be recognized by his ...

2018年3月31日 — Authorities say the phony Pope can be recognized by his high top sneakers, and incredibly foul mouth. s10e02.